DPHF is a Non-profit 501(c)(3) Charitable Organization
Monetary Donations
Dayton Police History Foundation, Inc. is interested in the historical study of the Dayton police force and advancing education on Dayton's police past in as many ways as financially possible. In addition to its Dayton Metropolitan Police museum initiative, other efforts by DPHF are underway. They include temporary exhibits, historical research, writings and publications for educational purposes as well as offering presentations, particularly in conjunction with educational institutions. In order to continue its many efforts, donations are needed and very much welcomed. Financial donations may be made by credit card (click on the link at right) or by simply mailing checks or money orders to:
DPH Foundation, Inc.
P.O. Box 293157
Dayton, Ohio 45429-9157
Donations are tax-deductible and are acknowledged by way of electronic correspondence whenever an e-mail address is known or provided; if not, then receipt of donation is provided by postal service.
Thank you for your support!

Tangible Donations
In addition to financial donations, DPHF accepts tangible donations. Please read below. All donations and contributions are strictly to preserve Dayton's police past. Thank you for your support!
Photographs / Film
Still and moving images are the window to the past.
Photographs can be donated or easily scanned by DPHF and returned to the owner. Pictures can also be scanned by the owners and simply e-mailed as attachments to:
info@DaytonPoliceHistory.org or DPHFoundation@woh.rr.com
Films and videotapes can be digitized and turned into DVDs. This was recently done with a vintage 1948 film of a police response to a labor strike and to a 1966 film of the riots in Dayton. In both cases, DPHF had a professional studio digitize the film and the owners received a DVD in return.
Old police records, newspaper and magazine articles, books, programs, police advertisements, wanted posters, etc. tell the story of law enforcement and the history of the Dayton police force.
DPHF is interested in anything that remotely touches on policing because one snippet of information can be the last puzzle piece that completes a story. Documents can be copied and returned to the owners.
Police Artifacts
DPH Foundation is always interested in obtaining or in knowing the whereabouts of period uniforms, equipment, badges, tools of the trade and unusual items (e.g. paddy wagon exhaust whistle, cell block lock, dispatcher microphone, etc.).
If the location of both large and small items are known (i.e. old uniforms, police three-wheelers, reconditioned patrol cars, etc.) then when exhibits are staged, DPHF can contact the owners to see if they might allow their temporary display. Police items that are 50 years or older are considered artifacts. It's hard to believe that items from earlier than 1990, for example, are now over 25 years old and will be "artifacts" in less than another 25 years. Even items from the 1990s need to be preserved for the future.
In order to continue its effort, donations of pictures, documents and "three dimensional" items are very much welcomed. Information about the whereabouts of old police vehicles, call boxes and other items would be appreciated. In either case, please let us know.
We value all donations, however before shipping us artifacts, please fill out the form below. A member of the foundation will contact you afterwards.